Thursday, August 11, 2016

Eating after Thyroidectomy

I read occurrences of people eating Lasagna or a Hamburger after Thyroidectomy and I found that hard to believe. I want to share with you what I ate. I understand every circumstance is different and I really hope you get to share my experience.

The first evening, around four hours after surgery completed, I hade a clear liquid dinner. It was broth, jello, juice, and lemon ice.

I was encouraged to do solid foods the next morning  (16 hours after surgery ended). I did a cheese omlet, yogurt, and English muffin. I cut everything up small and tore small pieces of the muffin apart to eat.

For lunch, 22 hours after surgery ended, it was Turkey and mashed potatoes, rice, juice, and chocolate pudding.

For dinner, I stuck with Turkey. Tomato soup, turkey, dressing, mashed potato, rice, juice, pudding, and lemon ice.

And that's what I continued to eat during my stay; breakfast omlets and turkey. There were other things to pick but this is what I felt like eating.

The point of me showing this is to help anyone who might be afraid about what they will and won't be able to eat. I had no problem eating this stuff. My "sore throat" didn't bother me eating. As said, I really hope you have the same good experience I had.

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