Monday, August 8, 2016

Call from anathesiolgist assistant

I received a call this morning from the Assistant Doctor for Anathesiology. She was following up on some questions I answered two weeks ago. She focused mostly on my heart concerning an incident many years ago involving over use of caffeine drinks. I explained to her that in the years after that, I have jogged daily 5 miles a day (not anymore though), went to the gym and did cardio for sometimes four hours, and now a days I go to the gym almost daily and do cardio for 45 minutes. 

She asked if I had any problems opening my mouth or tipping my hea back, and I said I didn't.

And that was it!

Surgery is tomorrow so my wife took me out to eat for lunch. Most of our time today is to prepare the house for when I return, and figure out what to pack and take to the hospital (she is going to be in the waiting room during the surgery).

For me? This is kinda surreal. I don't think it has hit me that this is actually happening to me, not someone I am writing about on a blog. When I get worried, I think of all the stories I have read about all the people who have done this and were just fine. If they can do it? So can I!

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