Thursday, April 12, 2018

Vegetables for Lunch: wild Rice Stroganoff

I do not enjoy eating vegetables, but I know I need to get more vegetables into my diet. It can't all be salad, I need to find new and creative solutions. I am exploring a bunch of different options and I'll bring you along with me!

Today I am trying Chicken and Wild Rice Stroganoff from Eating Well. The dish has 290 calories.

The first thing I noticed is this dish has brussels spouts. I have eaten brussels sprouts only one other time in my life. They were grilled and prepared in such a way that either they were really good, or, I was really hungry. Either way, I remember enjoying them. These brussel srouts? Not so much. I was able to cover the sprouts in enough stroganoff sauce to choke down most of them. But not all. And there seemed to be a ton of those sprouts in the dish!

Would I get this again? No! I'm not a big brussels sprout fan.

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