Saturday, April 14, 2018

Kevin's Kitchen: Wake Up Those Tired Hamburgers!

A thyroidectomy requires a life change. That includes changing eating habits. The purpose of Kevin's Kitchen is to help those with no (or little) cooking skills to create great meals.

Gone are the days of the fatty hamburger. When we have hamburgers now, it is the leanest meat I can find - usually 95/5 (although one time I found 97/3). As you take fat out of hamburger, you take away a lot of its flavor. You have to do something to wake those hamburgers back up!

 Mix it up a little! We love making Meatloaf Burgers (adding French Onion soup mix) and Taco burgers (adding Taco Seasoning). Tonight it is Bacon and Cheese Burgers!  Gone are the days of real bacon - it is lean turkey bacon, but, a guy can dream, can't he?

 Just find some fun ingredients and mix it into the hamburger. It is meaty, it is good, and it is perfect for all of us who can't cook but need healthier meals. What do you like to mix into your hamburger?

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