Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Scheduling The Surgery

We were concerned about loosing a non-refundable summer vacation. Our Primary Doctor recommended we cancel the vacation. The surgeon told us he was booking surgeries two weeks out. This was all bad news for the vacation! When we explained this problem to the nurse, she talked to the doctor about the concern. She returned and told us the cancer is slow growing, and waiting a few weeks will not change anything.

We received a call from the hospital to schedule the surgery. The lady on the phone said the first available date was August 2! We were worried about our vacation for nothing - he was booked!

The surgeon only operates on Tuesday and Wednesdays so that limited the dates we could select. I hoped for a Thursday surgery so I could have up to 11 days to recover and would only need 7 days off from work. But no luck.

I talked it over with my wife and we picked August 9.

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