Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Thyroidectomy post-op Week 5: the Stitch

My Thyroidectomy incision was closed with dissolving stitches on the inside and glue on the outside. This is what it looks like 5 weeks post-op.
I did not have a drain installed during surgery so, as a result, I have developed swelling in the area below the scar.

On Day 10 of post-op I went to the surgeon for my follow-up appointment. The nurse removed the glue and the incision started looking much better. But then I started noticing something poking my finger everytime I rubbed the incision. 
It is difficult to see in a picture but that white dot is an exposed stitch! I have read a little about exposed stitches and I believe the doctor will likely pull it out at my appointment on the 30th
The idea of the Doctor pulling out a stitch is not a pleasant thought. My imagination tells me it will really hurt and I imagine there is an undissolved knot on the other end.

I have also seen pictures where the stitch was pulled out and it left s hole (a deep divot) that never fills and has to always be cleaned. I hope that doesn't happen to me!

As luck would have it, guess what happened this morning? The stitch fell out! That little spec on the paper towel is all that is left from it. 

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