Sunday, September 18, 2016

Standing order to check calcium

The Parathyroid are four seed sized organs next to the Thyroid that regulate calcium levels in the blood stream. I lost two parathyroids during surgery and my calcium levels were wonky for weeks afterwards. I stayed in the hospital for four days as they tried to get my calcium levels to raise from a 7.8 low.

Anyone having a Thyroidectomy might encounter calcium problems. It may take a while for the parathyroids to wake up, or, if parathyroids were lost during surgery, it may take time for the surving ones to take over all the duties.

When I was sent home from the hospital, I was taking 10.5 large calcium pills per day! And the blood levels still weren't at the 8.6 minimum. Eventually, the levels did rise.

I was concerned about this because at some point the parathyroids will kick in (which can be measure with a Pth test) and then I'll have to cut myself back until my numbers were within range.

I talked about this with my regular doctor. He agreed to give me a standing order to have my calcium checked twice per week for the next sixth months!

That order has allowed me to go through the calcium changes I needed without concern for making a mistake.

I have been cutting back my calcium supplements because taking too much supplement can lead to kidney stones. I actually cut back too far - my last test showed a dropped back out of range, 8.5. I would never have know this if not for this standing order!

If you have calcium concerns after a Thyroidectomy, talk to your doctor about getting a standing order for blood work. It really helped me!

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