Tuesday, July 5, 2016


When I met with the surgeon, he mentioned my blood work indicated a TSH of 5.2. He mentioned that if I weren't having the thyroid removed? This problem would have to be addressed. So, I did a little research. It turns out there are many scales for TSH, but, most agree that TSH should be 3.5 or lower. A high TSH means Hypothyroidism.

There are two: HypERthyroidism (low TSH) and HypOthyroidism (high TSH). I have Hypo.

According to some research, Hypothyroidism will result in feeling tired, depressed, dry skin, cool extremities, hair loss, and will result in weight gain - all symptoms I have had for the past two years.

Hypothyroidism can be the result of a previous treatment with radioactive iodine. Two years ago I had a nuclear scan of my thyroid that involved radioactive iodine.  I believe it was called a radioactive tracer test, or, a Radioactive Iodine Uptake Test. All my reading say the radiation used in the nuclear test is harmless. I just find it odd that all my Hypothyroidism symptoms appeared after that time period. It is probably just a coincidence?

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