Monday, April 24, 2017

Thyroidectomy Weight Control: Taking a break

If you have been following this series, you'll know I recently had my appendix removed.

At Christmas, my brother-in-law went to the hospital with symptoms similar to what I had when I needed my appendix removed. He was less fortunate than I. He was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon Cancer. The cancer stole his life 3.5 months later.

That hit too close to home.

In the time sense his passing, I have broken every weight control rule I have created. My sleep is a mess, my diet is a mess, and I'm not exercising enough. On top of that, I have had a stack of doctor appointments dealing with my Thyroid Cancer.

As a result, I am going to take a break from this series and get my shit together. Then I'll come back and we'll get this done.

If you are on the path to weight control, I encourage you to keep going!

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