Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Where did I go?

I just get back into the swing of things and then life turns upside down. I had created an awesome plan to get life back on schedule. If you read this blog in the Spring of 2018, it looked very promising.

Then... I found out my oldest son was failing his second semester at college. As a result, in addition to working full time I went back to college full time to help him out. Either I was at work, or I was doing college work, or I was helping my youngest with his high school homework or I was sleeping. And I didn't get very much sleep!

Good news: my oldest passed all of his second semester college classes. And my youngest passed all of his high school classes.

I am going to attempt this again! I am putting together the plan and hope to share more in the coming weeks. In the meanwhile, I hope you have enjoyed all of the Kevin's Kitchen blog entries.

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