Saturday, July 14, 2018

Kevin's Kitchen: The Salad Toppings

A thyroidectomy requires a life change. That includes changing eating habits. The purpose of Kevin's Kitchen is to help those with no (or little) cooking skills to create great meals.

When you make a salad, how much of it is lettuce versus toppings?

Salad is a staple for eating healthy. Getting more fruits and vegetables in our diet is important. But how much salad can one person eat? To avoid getting sick of salad, many people will load the salad with calorie rich dressing or bury the salad in toppings.

What is the answer?

Don't get all your vegetables from salads. Find otherways to enjoy vegetables so you aren't pounding away lettuce every day.  If you must have toppings? Keep the toppings healthy: lean chicken, low fat cheese, and whole grain croutons to name just a few toppings ideas.

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